The regularity of a dog’s stool can vary depending on many factors. Younger dogs tend to have more bowel movements, while older dogs have fewer. Below is a rough guide, but it’s important to remember that frequency alone rarely provides the full picture, and consistency must also be considered.

Occasional extra or missed bowel movements are usually nothing to worry about. Several factors can affect your dog’s habits, including his diet, how often he eats, getting extra treats, picking up litter, amount of exercise, and stress.

However, it’s important to consider the consistency of your dog’s poop when picking it up, as it could be a symptom of other problems. 2

How often should my dog poo?

For most adult dogs, the average is 1 to 3 poops per day. If your dog has more frequent bowel movements but has been having frequent bowel movements, it may not be a cause for concern. If your dog’s movements suddenly become more frequent, see your veterinarian right away.

The key here is that most adult dogs should have a bowel movement at least once a day, and at a fairly regular time. Maybe you eat it once a day, or three times a day, and that’s fine. If your dog doesn’t have a bowel movement or diarrhea within 24 hours but seems otherwise fine, there’s probably nothing to worry about. However, if you suddenly start urinating more than once a day for several days in a row, or have no bowel movements at all for more than 48 hours, you should investigate possible changes in the cause.

The frequency of your dog’s bowel movements should be consistent throughout the day whether it’s once or four times a day. As long as it’s the same every day, don’t worry.

Which factors tell your pup poop is healthy?

Older dogs must poop about one or three times per day, while puppies poop more frequently (approximately four times per day or more) and senior dogs could only poop once each day. Numerous factors determine your pet’s poop frequency.

Check for color, content, consistency, size, shape, and even smell. And try to keep track of how often your dog poops. If anything worries you right away, or if you notice other signs that your dog is unwell, call your veterinarian.

After eating how much time does a dog take to poop?

Many dogs require 8-12 hours to completely digest a meal. A smaller meal will also be digested quicker by your dog as compared to a solid meal. As such, unless you nourish your dog twice a day, they will most probably have to poop twice a day.

Pet owners should plan walks after meals because most dogs poop 30 minutes after eating. The volume of the food is important; relatively small meals digest faster, in contrast to bigger food. So if your dog eats multiple times a day instead of one massive meal, they may have to poop earlier. 1

When You Should Be Worried About Your Dog’s Poop Routine?

Additional poop or skipped poop is usually not a cause for concern. Numerous factors determine your dog’s excretion habits, such as diet, frequency of eating, additional snacks, waste plundering, and amount of exercise. Any deviation from the normal routine that lasts more than a day or two should be investigated. One should pay attention to the dog’s poop if they are not cleaning of dog poo themselves.  3 


Poop is an unpleasant task that many people have to deal with daily. At Poop Genie we scoop your dog’s poop so you don’t have to! Contact us today to book our services for 1 dog or more, weekly or monthly, our service plans meet your doggie’s pooping schedule needs!



  1. Gross, M. (2015). Natural waste: canine companions and the lure of inattentively pooping in public. Environmental Sociology, 1(1), 38-47.
  2. Zhongming, Z., Linong, L., Xiaona, Y., Wangqiang, Z., & Wei, L. (2018). Don’t waste your dog’s poo–compost it.
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